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Hypothesis: restyling the homepage through the use of content editor templates to remove monetating overlays, speed up load time and showcase brands and categories in a functional way that enhances marketing shoots and offers paid content spots for brands

Testing ideas included;

  • Reducing the size of the main top banner to keep campaign messaging above the fold, to also provide a lookbook functionality to allow users to directly shop products from the banner

  • Adding blog content alongside a product based cta to provide contextual insight to users from campaign talent and behind the scenes

  • Adding in product carousels for launch banners to allow users to shop from homepage directly

  • Creating separate components to allow the content team more freedom to move spots depending on the business needs each day

Desktop banner
Mobile banner


The Stand out Stories banner was created as a means to incorporate two cta's to direct to both a product landing page as well as a blog post where the talent was interviewed about relatable content. Adding context to the campaign creates a relationship between business and consumer, enabling the marketing campaign to reach the full potential. Talent was chosen based on their core values, as well as aesthetically shifting the branded focus to effectively become more inclusive to a wider audience. Functionally, the content spot was created of a multitude of layers, including a styled title for seo value, as well as a stacked version for mobile and app devices.

Desktop banner
Mobile banner


In order to push a content spot brands could pay to be featured in, Behind The Badge was created. Designed to sit towards the top of the homepage, we offered to market the brands latest lines using popular talent fitting to the brands aesthetic and identity, as well as an insight to their core values to give more context and information to the user. Offering a similar functionality to the Stand out Stories banner, the content spot was created of a multitude of layers, including a styled title for seo value, as well as a stacked version for mobile and app devices.

Desktop banner
Mobile banner


The main banner on the homepage was redesigned to be shorter in height to allow the campaign elements to sit as the main focus of the banner all whilst keeping the focal point above the fold to reiterate the main messaging whilst innovatively drawing in the users to scroll to view the rest of the homepage. Sitting differently on mobile and app devices, the main top banner was still slightly longer to allow for any creative lock ups to be placed as the main focal point of the banner, whilst the rest of the homepage content spots were designed to be slightly shorter to allow a large proportion of the banners to be shown underneath to encourage an automatic scroll functionality.

Desktop banner
Mobile banner


The lookbook functionality was primarily created to be tested upon the top main banner, to solve the business problem of wasting marketing images, but also shortening the users conversion journey to include the quickbuy function to allow them to shop the look directly from the marketing campaign. Showcasing the hovered status, the provisional click points would invert upon hover to produce the product information, giving the user top level information and therefore a chance to directly add to basket - this enabled the main banner to still function as required by showcasing the campaign as the main focal point without being overshadowed by the quickbuy feature.

Desktop banner
Mobile banner


The carousel banner was a safe space for us to amend and push secondary messages for brands and categories that were either not performing as expected, or were due to make their way up the homepage in coming weeks to spark users interest. The title was designed to be edited via html to nod towards seo value, and the main spot was always on the far left to adhere to a natural eyeline and viewpoint from left to right, whilst showcasing the priority spot on mobile first, prior to users scrolling through the content.

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